Telegram, along with WhatsApp, has become one of the most used communication tools both in Turkey and the world. As with every platform, you have the chance to block a person you want to stay in touch with on Telegram. If you think someone has blocked you and you still want to send a message to that person, we have some news for you.
Can I Send a Message to Someone Who Blocked Me on Telegram?
Let’s give our direct answer to this question; no. You cannot send a message to someone who has blocked you on Telegram. Blocking someone on Telegram is a very strict and clear measure. If you are blocked by someone, one of the main reasons is that you are not wanted to communicate with that person.
When a user blocks you on Telegram, it means that this person absolutely does not want you to communicate with them anymore. In such a situation, you will not be able to send them any messages or make video/audio calls. You also won’t see their profile picture, bio or online activity.
So if you see these signs on another user on Telegram, there’s a good chance you’ve been blocked. However, it’s also possible that all these indicators appear for a completely different reason.
Will I be Unblocked if I Delete My Telegram Account?
If someone has blocked you on Telegram, deleting your account will not automatically unblock you. The block by the other person will continue even when you delete your account.
If you notice that you can’t reach someone on Telegram and you think they may have blocked you, the best solution is to reach out to them in other ways to discuss the situation, such as a different messaging app or face-to-face communication.

Sending Messages After Telegram Unblocking
We explained above that you can’t message a person you’ve blocked on Telegram, but that’s only until that person unblocks you. So after unblocking, you can message that person again. So how does this work?
It’s annoying when a person you want to keep in touch with on Telegram blocks you. However, you can contact the person in a different way and ask them to unblock you. If you manage to get the person to unblock you, there will be no reason why you can’t message them anymore.
Find Instagram Account from Phone Number
If you can’t get in touch with the person because they haven’t unblocked Telegram, there’s one more thing you can do: contact their Instagram account via their phone number. Nowadays, the number of people who do not use Instagram is almost non-existent. For this reason, assuming that the person uses Instagram, there is a way to reach them.
Even though you are blocked, you can still access the person’s phone number via Telegram. With this number, you can find the person’s Instagram account. If one of these methods works, you can find the person’s Instagram account and contact them.
How Do I Block Someone Who Blocked Me on Telegram?
Here are the steps you need to follow to block someone on Telegram after they block you:
Step 1: In the Chats tab, find the magnifying glass icon at the top and tap on it.
Step 2: Tap on the chat with the person whose name you found.
Step 3: At the top of the page you will see many options. Tap the icon with three dots in the corner. A drop-down menu will then appear.
Step 4: Tap the last option from the menu that appears to block the contact. You also have options like spam notification and delete chat to remove them from your account completely.